How prominent is women’s grappling in your area?

Okay, so I am reaching out to all the powers that be- hoping this reaches as many women/ people as possible in all areas.
I’m throwing around the idea of starting a community for women grapplers / strikers. I know there are other great pages out there; however the one thing that gets under my skin the most is the derogatory comments I’ve seen revolving around the women’s grappling community. I know that this could possibly be inevitable in a male dominated sport, but I want to build a community for women grapplers and strikers where they can feel safe to share photos, inspiration, competitions, ideas, struggles, seminars, weight cuts, meal prep ideas, recipe’s exercises, drills and ideas of recovery with fellow women. (Sorry for the long list I wanted to make sure I listed as much as possible)
I want to build a community where if you are a woman, who grapples or strikes in the midwest- or anywhere for that matter! -Cause we all travel to compete and train! This is the place for you. Somewhere positive.
I feel like there is a need for something like this, unless I’ve been blind I haven’t found anything like it, yet. I see a lot of individuals who are successful sharing their journey, but what if we all came together?

I think something that has been frustrating for any competitive woman, is going into a local competition, and not having someone in your bracket or enough women in your bracket and having to move up, or down or having to travel long distances to compete, or train. Women in grappling- especially the Midwest from my experience is few and far between. There are tons of women all shapes and sizes, why not band together and share and build a positive community and get many more on the mats to fill those brackets and build a larger presence of woman in grappling and striking!


Let me know your thoughts in the comments! or find me on instagram and send me a message @kayfit16

Stay tuned for more from me!

Transparency and the Comeback of all comebacks.


A wonderful, bittersweet reminder. It is my 3rd year fit-versary!

I can’t even begin to tell you how much has changed over the last 3 years, and what is about to change for me.
Let’s recap my first year. 2014-2015
The scale was at a place where I knew if I continued my behavior I would be diabetic and probably worse before my 30’s. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize who I saw. I convinced myself I didn’t have a problem and that I wasn’t ‘that overweight’. I was terribly wrong. I was out with a friend, and was asked to dance (which NEVER happens) the guy went to dip me and my knee dislocated. I’ve had knee problems since middle school but they’ve gotten progressively worse since the weight gain and surgery being sedentary for an entire summer back in 2010.

After this injury, I said enough was enough and that I wanted to avoid another knee surgery as much as possible. I told myself I needed a trainer and someone to help me with my nutrition. I yo-yo dieted for many years before this time and worked out but was never consistent.

I reached out to a new and flashy gym with trainers and was assigned to my first trainer,G. G. was from Australia and probably one of the most badass ladies I’ve ever met. G. motivated me, and believed in me. There are words I’ll never forget that she said to me while she was doing my measurements. “ We will get this to wrap around you twice when I’m done with you.”

These words still resonate with me. I trained with G.and lost 20lbs and then I joined a challenge. It was an 8 week challenge and I was bound and determined to win. Not just for the bragging rights but for myself. I ended up losing around 40lbs during that challenge. Sadly, I didn’t win. But I won more than what any prize could be… Confidence. G. ended up having to return to Australia and I was devastated. I felt like I couldn’t continue on my own, that I wasn’t ready.

Year Two. 2015-2016
This was the Spring of ’15… Enter Trainer #2 D.

I started a new journey with D., and I wish I could put the words together of what she helped me battle. I think she was probably more of a therapist than a trainer for me. She helped me mentally in so many ways, but also physically to help me lose another 20lbs the Summer of ’15. I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu the Summer/Fall of 2015. I was training with D. in the mornings and training Jiu Jitsu at night. I did this for over a year. The lowest loss I reached was 83lbs. I teetered around the 70-83lbs lost range for a long time. Then… Exit D.

I trained with D. for about a year and then she graduated, and accepted a position in Virginia. I was happy for her, but also so sad. She was a huge impact on my life and a huge support system for me. But after having trainers for 2 years, I felt maybe, I could really do this on my own. A lot of people do it on their own, so could I … right?

Year Two. 2016-Current
Enter man of my dreams.
I trained with my now husband at the Jiu Jitsu gym. We started dating July of ‘16, Engaged Nov of ’16 and married May of ’17. We spent so much time together, many late nights up talking and just being with each other. My morning workouts slowly diminished. But I was okay with it, the extra sleep was nice, the new beau was wonderful. Slowly, the less I did my extra workouts the more I decided to let my diet slip. Cheat here, cheat there. “I can cause I worked so hard this last two years? Right?“ “It’ll be okay. I can relax a bit. I still train every night, it won’t add on that fast.” 5 lbs then 15, then more, I slipped, and I fell off my wagon. But, I was enjoying my life with someone I love so much and that has made it worth it. Could I have practiced more self-control? Haha SURE COULD HAVE. But I didn’t and that is a decision I’ve come to peace with. We planned a wedding, had many amazing dates with yummy food, got married, but continued to train together that was one thing that never changed (minus morning workouts). Training has never stopped for me; food just kind of took over. But I let it, and that’s okay because I wanted to enjoy life a little while being in a serious and healthy relationship for the first time. Our fist year together has been the best of my life and we have so many more ahead of us.

Now that I’m in a good place mentally, (FINALLY). I am ready to make the comeback of all comebacks! I’ve gained about half my weight back, and I can feel how sluggish and awful I feel. I saw myself repeating horrible habits and just being so uncomfortable in my own body and that’s when I knew enough was enough. I let go for long enough and now I’m more than ready to reel it back in and I couldn’t be more excited.

My 1st trainer G. is back from Australia and we plan on training once a week together. It’ll be so nice to have a trainer again, someone to keep me accountable who isn’t family. I’ve switched gyms for a new view, and atmosphere to help with motivation. But I am so excited for this next part of my fit-versary.

I have so many new goals for the next year.
* Lose the weight I gained
* See one-derland
* Compete in Jiu Jitsu again
* Build Muscle
* Accomplish my blue belt in Jiu Jitsu
* Miss me Jeans

Plus so many more small goals to keep me going and motivated… Tattoos, shopping, traveling.
Thanks for your time friends!
Stay tuned for more updates with Jiu Jitsu and my health journey!

Til next time!


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